First up! Those so-ugly-they're-cute mystery baby birds. I took the picture to the left on Saturday. There are really 5 birds there, but you'd never know it! The 5th bird has one bulgy, closed eye at the bottom of the photo.
To the right, you'll see the same birds as of yesterday. I really thought their eyes would be open by now. Instead, I found a show of prickly pinfeathers. All 5 managed to face the same direction, toward the rock wall.
On a completely random topic:

I felt inspired to post two photos here of a couple of my favorite herbs. To the left is Catmint aka Catnip. This is a healthy shrub from the wonderful Maple Hill Gardens in Hollis. Catmint makes a very delicate tincture and is great for mild headaches and relaxation.
To the left is my very own, home grown peppermint plant! Peppermint is one of my all-time faves. Any mint herb is really. It's calming for your stomach, relaxing and great for clearing your head. I need to drink it pretty often.
Mix these two wonderful herbs and you get a refreshing mint tea that is even better cold. And what inspired me to post these pics?
I forgot to mention, if you click the blog post before this, you can really see the difference a week can make in a bird's life. :D
that is probably the best pin in the world!!!!!
lol your most recent pic of the birds weird me out! its like you see a buncha beaks in a pile of fuzz! hahaha soooo cute! it would be neat once the birds are older and out of the next or what ever. to make a blog with all the pics you have of them together. that would be neat.
my favorite pic in this blog has got to be the first one. I love the bright bold yellow. it makes me happy and giggly and now i want to go play in a meadow of flowers. I can't wait till we can turn your pumpkin into a carriage so we can go to the ball!
And i have to agree with Kayla. My pin collection feels just like its missing some Tea pizzazz! I'm jealous.
oh oh oh.... i like janna's idea.... melly, can we take ur pumpkin to the ball?
I suppose, but the pumpkin is of the "jack-b-little" variety. So it will have to be a little ball. :D
I'll bring the potato salad!!!!
I'll bring the champagne!!! Non-alcoholic of course. ;)
Potato Salad and Non-Alcoholic Champagne? Damn we part hard! :D
Ebay is the place for cool pins my friends!! :o)
Mel - I feel like a mini celeb! Ha ha ha x
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