The lovely tree above wa

s taken last week at the gardens of Maple Farm; Beaver Brook, Hollis. This is one of my favorite haunts. I'm not sure what this tree is really. It's aroma was absolutely heavenly however and reached to the back of the gardens. The scent reminded me of gardenias.
To the left you'll see the current winner of the garden popularity contest; the 'Bleeding Heart'. I saw these once in a greenhouse a few years back, but not in any garden. Now, I see them everywhere. Let's face it, anything mildly dramatic in name or nature always makes it big. This shot was taken from the Maple Hill Gardens.

Of course, I can't mention spring flowers without another glimpse of my favorite, the trillium. I saw my first trillium about 4 years ago - all white and solitary in the forest. Something enchanted me about it and I've been obsessed with them ever since. From my research on trying to cultivate a wild one, I've learned they are the official provincial flower of Quebec and are illegal to pick there. Considering my ancestry is from Quebec (both native and french immigrant) I found it suspiciously coincidental that it should speak to me so loudly. :) This is a painted trillium from the Heald Tract - where I've had most of my wildlife adventures.

And lastly, the New Hampshire state flower; the Purple Lilac. Trilliums may be my favorite, but these still top the list of the most enticing scent! You can't really drive down any street in Milford without seeing a big bush of these purple air fresheners in someone's yard.
I must say that i am quite a bit jealous that you are able to take such good photographs of plants. >.< I have tryed for so long to get something to come out well and it just doesn't happen.
ok so the first one, is great... well there all great. but The way you were able to capture the sun breaking through the trees just captured my eyes. And the picture of the 'bleeding heart' is quite captivating as well. I will admit that it is not my favorite flower but i have always found it quite interesting to look at. and the photo you took of it kind of reminds me of something you'd see in ferngally. (the movie)or something else fantasy like.
Thanks sammie! :D I'm glad you approve of them. Hey, when it comes down to it, I can't take good pictures of structures or people to save my life and you capture the essence of those very well. So we're even. hehe Actually, I liked a lot of your nature stuff. You need to show me some of your botanical attempts.
I think you will see some soon because looking at your photographs made me want to go out side and take some pics so I'm just about to go outside down the other end of diamond riverside trail... the part i have yet to travel with a camera. so when i get back i will have some attempts to show off.
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