We get a great deal of these amazing toads in NH throughout the warm months. The american toad can range from the size of a thumbtack head to an obese sumo-like toad that surpasses your palm in girth. For the most part they are calm and this makes them great for photographs.

This little troll was trying her best to hide under a stick half her size on the Heald Tract Conservation Land in Wilton. She had just finished laying her eggs in an unseen vernal pool and was returning to her terrestrial life in the forest.

And I can't end my tiny tribute to the American Toad without sharing this image I took of my best friend Janna from the same trail taken last year.
No, it didn't work.
BE-A-UTIFUL!!!!!! its about time you shared these photos with everyone! geez... if youve got the talent, show it off!!!!!!
Thankye :D
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