Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"Heavy" Snow

Over the past couple of days, our area of New Hampshire has been on the brink of freezing. As a result, the snowfall has been very wet and very heavy. With powdery, drier snow, the trees are not weighted and splashed in white, but with the past few storms, they're weighted with pounds upon pounds of thick snow.

These photos were from my walk today in Beaver Brook. I took the Whiting Trail down to the main trails. It was a tough walk. In many places, the trail was over knee deep in heavy snow; not the kind you can just trudge and kick through.
The last picture of the bridge and the pine hill I took carefully whilst driving into Wilton. Not bad considering the car was moving. Don't worry. There was no other cars around at the time and I was very careful. ;)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Photobucket Crossover

Because I take more pictures than I can possibly blog about and because I could use some online backup for my files, I've put many images on photobucket. As of right now, I've uploaded most of my reptile and amphibian photos from the reporting program images I send to the state. I've also combed through about 4000 images to find a few flowers to make an album. Check them out!

NH Wild and Garden Flower Album

Wild NH Reptile & Amphibian Album

Friday, January 1, 2010

Bird Watching with My New Camera

I don't have much to write today, just photos to share which I took today at Beaver Brook's Bird Blind. I'm still getting the hang of my new camera. Almost all of the photos I took below are from at least 15 feet away and required using the digital zoom, so the quality isn't pristine, but I think they came out pretty nice.

Woodpecker eating suet.

American Robin

White Breasted Nuthatch

Dark Eyed Junco

American Goldfinch (I never saw these in winter before!)