The Hand Oak - This Tree Guards the Entrance to Sheldrick Forest
No, this blog post is not a folktale, but I could adapt it someday. I took advantage of the first day of sun in weeks to take a long overdue walk. Today: Sheldrick Forest, Wilton. This forest is an "old growth" forest, meaning most of the land has never been forested, harvested, cultivated. Many of the trees (Mostly Beech, Birch and Oak) are well over a few hundred years old.

These are some shots I took today. The tree to the right is a beech tree over 300 years old (which is a long time by New England standards where 90% of the forests were mowed down for pastures back when it was colonized). I may be looking too much into this and maybe I was a bit dehydrated at the time, but this picture looks like a woman holding her arms up to the sky to me. The sway in the trunk makes me think her a dancer. She was a happy tree today. :)

The mouse you see really made my week! This lil guy hopped across my trail and I thought "Oh! A frog! .... A gray frog! ... A furry gray...frog?" Nope! This is a whitefooted deermouse! This is the second year in a row I've come in direct contact with these guys. This one played with me a while. It scurried about and I caught it a few times then he would get away - but he wouldn't go far. A few times he climbed up my pantleg! Eventually, I lost him in some brambles. All in all, I was cracking up with laughter in the forest. :D
And lastly, there is a ridge that curves at the back of the forest that always reminds me of fairies. I picture King Paralda of the East Winds holding court there... long story. Anyway! Much to my surprise, I'm not the only one that must feel this way because on the trail today I found a "fairy home". These were popular a few years back when a children's story was published about them. This is the first I've ever seen on my travels. You can't see it in the picture, but there are sticks spelling the word "FAIRY" in the ground at the base of the house. This must have been built today as the rain would have been cruel to this little establishment.